Services » Environmental Impact
With the global focus on emissions and government mandates, developing a strategy today to baseline and voluntarily report emissions will position you for future changes.
We know to capture energy data and convert it into information that can be used to establish your carbon foot print. We’ll help you report your current emission levels and achieve reduction through:
Countries worldwide are attempting to scale up renewable and sustainable energy to replace polluting fossil fuels and reach net-zero emissions. One of the most well-liked renewable energy sources is wind power. Ongoing technological advancements are propelling wind energy to the next level, and MMG Engineering is constantly working towards staying up to date with them. What is wind energy, and what are some leading wind energy solutions that MMG Engineering is working towards?
Wind energy generates electricity by using the airflow or wind that happens naturally in our earth’s atmosphere. Modern wind turbines create vast amounts of electricity by utilizing the wind’s kinetic energy. Windmills convert energy into mechanical or electrical energy so we can pump water or charge our phones.
One of the fastest-growing energy sources around the world is wind energy because of the number of benefits it has. To expand its capabilities and benefits, researchers are attempting to resolve socio-economic and technical issues that wind energy has to support a future with decarbonized electricity.
Electricity is brought from wind farms in rural areas to urban areas to meet energy demands. However, installation difficulties are overcome first. Land-based wind energy can be significantly increased if the systems are cost-effective. This is done by upgrading the country’s transmission network to connect regions with plentiful wind resources to major population centers and cities. Additionally, offshore wind energy’s grid interconnection and transmission capabilities are developing, which will significantly help this cause.
Although wind energy projects have much less impact on wildlife than other energy developments, minimizing the wind-wildlife interactions is one challenge they’re still facing. Studies estimate that 140,000-500,000 birds are killed by wind turbines annually due to their frequent contact with the fast-moving blades. However, technological advancements, environmental research, and strategic placement of wind farms can help with this problem, and the bird collision rate can be significantly decreased.
Even though the environmental effects of wind farms are much more different from conventional power plants, there is still concern about the amount of noise a wind turbine generates.
However, quieter and more visually appealing turbines have been built in recent times to +overcome this problem. In particular, the generators and gears make less noise. These are mounted to minimize noise, and the nacelle of modern wind turbines is sound-insulated.
Wind power has to compete with other cheap energy sources. When comparing the energy costs of new power plants, solar and wind projects are now a lot more economically viable options than geothermal, coal, or nuclear gas power plants. However, wind projects might not be cost-competitive in some places where the wind speed is insufficient. This is why manufacturing improvements, next-generation technology, and a better understanding of wind plant physics and wind energy solutions are crucial to reducing costs.