Energy Conservation: Successful Management Of Steam Traps

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Filters operate effectively within a machine and processing environment when connected equipment is properly handled. Continue reading to learn more about the purpose and functions of steam traps.


The lower part of a steam-filled pipe or vessel has a steam trap that allows condensation to pass through while stopping the steam from escaping. Hot condensate is removed to avoid water hammer, which harms or misaligns piping equipment. Normally, the temperature of an air/steam mixture is lower than that of pure steam.

Using A Trap

On many steam heating devices, traps are used to catch the steam before it condenses and releases heat. This limits heat transfer because steam forces carbon dioxide to the surfaces of the heat transfer surface. Carbonic acid corrodes pipelines and equipment. A strainer is frequently placed to stop debris from clogging the trap hole.

Types Of Traps

Bimetallic Trap

The bimetallic trap is often used because it is compact, lightweight, and has a non-condensable maximum discharge. To reduce flash steam, condensate is discharged below the stream’s temperature. The strip enlarges to an oval shape as steam enters the chamber, closing the valve.

Inverted Bucket Trap

The valve closes in this position to prevent any steam or water discharge from the trap. When water is added to the bucket, it displaces the steam, opening the valve. The valve closes once the water is released.

Thermostatic Trap

A thermostatic vent controls the air release. The vent is still closed when the stream is in the trap. This trap is designed or used to remove steam system condensate.

Float-actuated float

The float rises as water fills the trap, activating the valve. The float drops as the water is released, shutting the valve and restricting steam from escaping.

Impulse steam trap

When pressure is reduced, hot water flashes into vapor. The control chamber pressure decreases when hot water enters the trap. This causes the valve to rise from its seat and release water. The pressure in the control chamber rises as steam enters the trap, closing the valve.

Common Problems

Common problems include air binding, which occurs when traps are connected by a length of small diameter horizontal pipe. Condensate holds up in the steam space and cannot flow to the trap. Another problem is improper sizing. Condensation interferes with the effectiveness of heat transmission in a small trap.

Traps with more capacity lose money, operate slowly, and produce high back pressure, which shortens their lives. Leakage prevents condensation from reaching the trap. When using the steam line, condensate at the bottom results in a water hammer. Ensure that low points are drained adequately before commissioning the steam to prevent water hammer.

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